Installing a Solar Panel


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Oct 30, 2023

Installing a Solar Panel

Photo Credit:Yan Krukau via Solar energy is fast becoming an

Photo Credit:Yan Krukau via

Solar energy is fast becoming an alternative source of energy. The bulk of the credit goes to public awareness that the government and other key stakeholders spread in society.

Today the UK and the global powers are working extensively on using solar energy as an alternative energy source.

According to the latest stats, around 14.0 GW of electricity is produced in the UK with the help of 1,178,241 installations. The numbers are all set to increase fast in the future.

Are you, too, looking to explore the possibilities of solar electricity?

The article can help you by discussing a step-by-step method of installing a solar panel.

Benefits of Solar Energy

There are many benefits of solar energy, and this is why they are becoming popular with time. You may complain about the heavy investments.

But apart from that you can enjoy advantages galore. Here we discuss some of the benefits of solar energy that you may reap.

Significantly Reduce Energy Bills

Energy bills are soaring because the demand for traditional sources keeps increasing daily. Renewable energy is depleting, and therefore, the world must search for a source of alternative energy. Solar energy is touted to take the spot.

The technology is fast evolving, and it effectively reduces your energy bills. It's time to optimise free energy to reap the benefits.

Cheap Instals

Solar panel installation is not cost-intensive; you can even do it alone with the knowledge. But in that case, you may find problems. Therefore it is safe to take the assistance of a professional.

Whether solar indoor lights or outdoor ones, they are highly experienced and can help you with technical expertise.

Low Maintenance Cost

One of the high advantages of solar power is the low maintenance cost. You do not always have to call experts to care for your solar panels. You can do it all by yourself.

You need to spread water softly on the surface, and then with the brush connected to the pole, you can start cleaning it with time. Remember to clean the panels when they are moist. Doing it in a dry condition can create scratches.

Reducing The Impact On The Environment

The world is paying a high price for using too much fossil fuels. Greenhouse gas emissions have increased. But with solar energy, you have access to clean and green energy.

Solar Panels Installation- A step-by-step process

Solar panels are not used for commercial and home use. You must install the photovoltaic cells on the rooftop to generate maximum electricity in both cases.

Here we discuss a step-by-step process for solar energy installation.

Mount Installation

The first step to the solar panel installation is the mount installation, which supports the solar panels. The base structure supports the system with sturdiness. You have to measure the terrace before making the structure.

Though you can do it all alone, discussing the angle or tilt of the mount installation is an expert thing, and you need the advice of expert installers. They have all the experience through which you can get all the assistance.

For the countries in the northern hemisphere, the best direction to install solar panels is the south. On the side, you get the maximum sunlight. North will be the best direction for installing panels for the countries in the Southern Hemisphere.

Fixing The Solar Panels

Now that you have installed the mounting structure, you must fix the solar panels. Panel installation is simple; simple nut-bolt usage. Fix the structure tightly so that the entire installation is sturdy. Tightly fixing the panels on the structure ensures protection against strong winds and offers long life to them.

Electrical Wiring

Now that you have fixed the panels on the mounting structure, it's time to do the wiring. The panels are connected electrically using the series connection and parallel connection.

In the series connection, the positive wire of the PV module is connected to the Negative Wire of another module. With the parallel connection, you have to connect positive to positive and negative to negative connection. The voltage in each panel remains the same with the panels.

Connecting The System To Solar Inverter

The following step would be to connect the system with the solar inverter. The positive wire will be connected to the positive terminal of the inverter and vice versa. The solar inverter is now to be connected to the solar battery and grid inputs so that it starts to produce electricity.

Connecting The Battery And The Solar Inverter

The solar energy panels faced initial hiccups because the energy could not be stored. But with time and the arrival of the batteries, the problem was resolved. Now it's time to connect a battery to the inverter. Connect both the positive ends and negative ends of the batter and the inverter.

Connecting The Solar Inverter To Grid

Now connect the inverter to the grid. A normal plug is used to connect the main power switchboard to make the connection. The home gets illuminated with the output wires. It helps with the electric connection.

Your Solar System Is Ready For Use.

Now that you have made all the connections, it's time to start the inverter. Switch on the Home's main and then enjoy the connections. The display board of your inverter gives an indication of the solar unit consumption.

Being an enthusiast, you may be fine with your solar panel connection. But the overall work is expansive.

You may only manage some in one go. In this case, you are always free to optimise professional help and advice to avoid facing real problems with the connection.

Putting The Discussion To A Close

Solar energy is the future's need, so you must embrace it now. Moreover, they are getting cheaper with time.

Yes, it is cost intensive in the initial stages, but with time, you can get the benefits in the long run with free energy. Follow the ways discussed above to install solar panels. All the very best!

Benefits of Solar Energy Significantly Reduce Energy Bills Cheap Instals Low Maintenance Cost Reducing The Impact On The Environment Solar Panels Installation- A step-by-step process Mount Installation Fixing The Solar Panels Electrical Wiring Connecting The System To Solar Inverter Connecting The Battery And The Solar Inverter Connecting The Solar Inverter To Grid Your Solar System Is Ready For Use. Putting The Discussion To A Close