Lake, Geauga county aviation students learn to build a remote


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Nov 04, 2023

Lake, Geauga county aviation students learn to build a remote

Students with the Build and Fly program recently came together at the Jetway

Students with the Build and Fly program recently came together at the Jetway Airport in Ravenna for the flight of their kit-built LT-40 remote control model airplane.

Students along with members of the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 5, which represents Geauga and Lake counties, as well as members of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, took turns on June 6 piloting the newly built aircraft around the field. Facing a strong wind, they were able to take on the challenge of landing and maneuvering though navigation waypoints to complete landings.

Sherry Niederkorn, a former music teacher, now helps the students along with her husband Tim on their journey constructing, designing, and then taking up the controls.

"My husband is a private pilot. He's interested in aviation," Niederkorn said. "I work a lot in education, being a retired teacher. We’re both retired music teachers as well. We got involved with the summer youth aviation camps, then the Build and Fly program."

The students, Joe Kilmer, Trey Cadwallader and Felicity Park took turns flying the completed LT-40 aircraft with the help of a "Buddy Box."

"It's called a ‘Buddy Box’ — the master instructor holds one control," Niederkorn said. "They get it to a point that student were able to take over controls, and then they would say to each other ‘OK, you’re in control now,’ and then they switch over."

The much-awaited day came after months of crafting the LT-40 model airplane. Students began the process in June of 2022, when they learned how to fly a similar aircraft. The second part of the program came in the winter during the actual construction of the kit-built LT-40.

In the process, students were able gain practical skills from woodworking to electric engineering.

"Despite the name of the program we felt like we wanted the students to learn what they were going to actually be doing once they finished the plane," said Niederkorn. "We had them fly a similar model at first, then we went on to actual construction."

The airplanes aren't the only thing up in the air, as a pancake breakfast is being held by members of the EAA chapter on June 24 from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Geauga County Airport in Middlefield. It will be taking place along with Young Eagle rides which will be free for students that register at

For students interested in the next Summer Youth Aviation Camp, the next one will be running July 10-14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Middlefield area. Sign up at

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